The Downey Patriot

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Letter to the Editor: It's time to act on guns

Dear Editor:

“Enough is enough! Do something!”

These are just two examples of growing chants across the nation as increased attempts are made to deal with the ongoing issues of gun violence. When will Congress act to protect the nation’s population from the horror of suicide by gun, mass shootings and the associated deaths and injuries caused by firearm incidents?

According to statistics from the Gun Violence Archive (, from January 1, 2014 to August 14, 2019 there have been 257,556 incidents of gun violence resulting in 67,140 deaths (9,168 so far this year). Additionally, there have been 1,547 mass shootings (257 this year). Mass shootings involve four or more being killed or injured. Sadly, 24 percent of total deaths since 2014 have been children (ages 0 to 17). Also, 1,311 law enforcement officers have been shot or killed (six recently in Philadelphia).

What can be done? An overwhelming majority of citizens would like at least the following addressed by Congress and the President:

  • Universal background checks

  • Waiting period of 14 days to purchase/own a gun

  • Raise the age to purchase/own a gun to 21

  • Must have gun safety training and a permit/license to purchase/own a gun

  • All guns must have trigger safety locks

  • Ban on military grade assault rifles

  • Limit the bullet capacity of gun magazines.

  • Increase funds to deal with mental health issues.

The bottom line is simple: Enough is enough! Do Something! Everytown, USA is vulnerable to gun violence and No Town, USA is no longer safe. It’s up to the people as Congress has so far failed to adequately address the items above.

Please let your congressman/woman know you support reasonable gun safety measures and despise the increase in gun violence.

Jim Weidner