The Downey Patriot

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Letter to the Editor: Golf course nuisance

Dear Editor:

I am so fed up with Los Amigos Golf Course's banquet hall. They rent out their facility for parties and they disturb the peace with their loud music on a consistent basis, with total disregard for the citizens that live in close proximity to their establishment.

Many of our Downey residents suffer in silence and many of them have no clue that the culprit is Los Amigos Golf Course. I have had many sleepless nights due to this criminal activity that is in clear violation of California Penal Code 415 PC: disturbance by loud and unreasonable noise that is done willfully and maliciously.

On May 26 at about 9:30 p.m., the music from this facility was shaking the windows of my home and the music could clearly be heard throughout the inside of my home, disturbing my peace. At approximately 10:30 p.m., I called the Downey Police Department to complain about the loud music.

At 11:30 p.m. the music was still at full throttle, so I drove over to the Los Amigos Golf Course and spoke to the security guard that was on site and I told him that the music is a disturbance to the residents that live in the area, at this point it was almost midnight and the security guard told me that the music would be ending in 8 minutes, and the only way they will lower it is if the police department tells them to lower it.

I drove home and at 12:20 a.m. the loud music was once again blaring.

I want their license taken away from them, or whatever they have that allows them to blast their music; their noise violations are completely unacceptable. 

I made a total of three calls to Downey Police Department but they were busy with emergency calls, so as a resident of the City of Downey I need to take action to end the loud music. I am asking all Downey residents that have suffered in silence due to this injustice to join me in making Downey a desirable place to live by contacting the Downey City Council members and taking action to take away the right of this facility to torture us with their noise violations. 

Patty Jackson