The Downey Patriot

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Letter to the Editor: Favorite teacher

Dear Editor:

I very much enjoyed Alex Dominguez’s article about the influence of Maude Price teacher Steve Toay on his life.

A good teacher can make all the difference in the world. When I was in the third grade at Old River School (back when it was located on Quill Drive), I got an F in spelling. My mother knew I was a bit slow, so she asked me if the teacher went too fast for me. I told her that while I was thinking about how the word was spelled, she would be on to the next word, and the next. Soon I was two or three words behind and wound up handing in a scribbled up mess of a paper.

The next year in the fourth grade I got Mrs. Comstock who was the best teacher imaginable. I’ve heard others say she was their favorite teacher.

And oh yes, I got an A in spelling.

Jack Russell