The Downey Patriot

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Letter to the Editor: Faith in Christ

Dear Editor: 

Re: “People in Glass Churches Shouldn’t Throw Stones,” Letters to the Editor, 3/22/18

First, let me just state that I think there are people who just simply like to stir the pot, get people fired up and then sit back and watch it stew or blow up. I think that was what his intention was when Roy Anthony Shabla wrote that letter. Covering all these multiple issues. The facts are skewed, twisted, or have no truth to them. Or maybe it's just a lack of education. 

The United States of America was founded by Christ-believing men, mostly Protestant. We now have many religions here but most of us believe in God. We have come a long way since the founding of our country, and we still have a lot further to go. 

I don't want my taxpayer dollars paying for people’s gender changes. That's just something I think is a personal choice, an elective, not a necessity to survive. The expense should be covered by the individual. And as long as we are on that subject, let them wait until they're grown to make a choice like that. 

And child marriage and is that moot? I don't even know what religion promotes that, that's just bogus.

On the subject of abortion being in the Old Testament portion in Numbers 5 of the Bible, the key there is Old Testament: Old teaching, prior to Jesus Christ, so not New Testament, new teaching. 

Christian terrorist groups? I went to the FBI's website to check and other than the KKK, which is an extremist group and not mainstream Christian, most of those groups appear to be other than Christian. There are always going to be extremists/eccentric in any religious group but they are not the norm or mainstream.

To make a blanket statement like the Christian God is not a God of love or charity? Our God "is" love. We were created in His image, man, then woman from man. And that is how we reproduce by one man and one woman, otherwise we would not be here.

Because God is love, it is through faith in Him that we are saved by grace, and He shows us mercy and charity daily by not taking us all out in one fell swoop like I know He is able to. But if He does,  I know where I am going. 

I follow Jesus Christ, I am a Christian. Like my parents and grandparents were as many generations before me.

Patricia Waters