The Downey Patriot

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Letter to the Editor: Downey's downward spiral

Dear Editor:

I am sick. I am appalled. I am mad. I am sad. But most of all, I am disappointed in what is happening to the City of Downey. How did it come to this?

I have always had so much pride for this city and what it stood for. I saw corruption all around in surrounding cities, but never in my wildest dreams could I ever had imagined that it would be happening in Downey.

I read the Letters to the Editor last week and saw that I am not the only one who feels this way. The City of Downey is going to have a Mayor Pro Tem who is convicted of welfare fraud, is a thief, and a liar? How embarrassing is that. Is this person supposed to be a role model for our kids?

Shame on Blanca Pacheco, Mario Trujillo, and Sean Ashton for not having one ounce of integrity to do what is right for the City of Downey and its citizens, instead of just looking out for themselves and whatever selfish agendas they have. They can deny it all they want, but they know the truth. It’s pretty pathetic when all this greed for power and hunger for fame takes over and consumes their entire beings.

All Downey citizens should be outraged. We can't just sit back and let this happen. Something has to be done to stop this. Make your voice be heard! I won't accept that this is just the way things will be. It just can't be. There is too much at stake here.

I don't have the answer as to what to do, but something has to be done. To watch our city go straight downhill because of these few weak human beings is a disgrace. These are people who were supposed to represent us and support us and watch out for our best interests - not their own.

They say there's strength in numbers. Hopefully this is true and if we all band together we can take back our city.

D. Roberson