The Downey Patriot

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Letter to the Editor: Defending Warren High

Dear Editor:

As a teacher at Warren High School, I understand my biases. But the assumptions made by Ernesto Rojas and Chloe Jane Reyes, I believe, are unfair and unwarranted. I think it's fair that The Downey Patriot allows a response to just a few of their points and quotes.

1. One of the authors mentions that the Warren High School principal said in an Instagram post that "there has not been any discussion of cancelling Prom or Graduation..."

That is true, there weren't any discussions about cancelling; because at that time, we had no idea how long this pandemic/lock down would last. Sure, there were estimates, but nothing concrete. Ernesto claims that the likelihood of a prom and graduation was at that time "nonexistent." I think all readers remember the uncertainty that was circulating around mid-March. In fact, at that time, we were told that we would only be out for two weeks. We could only go off of that information.

2. Mr. Rojas says that as an MD/PhD candidate, he is "surrounded by leaders in the field of medicine and science." Well, Ernesto, we are not surrounded by leaders in medicine and science. Why didn't you tell them to call us and let us know? Why didn't the government listen to them? Your UCLA friends could have saved us all a lot of heartache.

3. Mr. Rojas and Ms. Reyes goes on to criticize our competence, stating that Etiwanda High School had a socially distanced regiment of graduates walking on stage, also mentioning Arcadia HS who had a parade for their graduates.

I read Mr. Rojas' and Ms. Reyes' critiques on a Thursday. Warren and Downey HS have planned worked tirelessly to recognize and celebrate their seniors, with the finale happening on Thursday night for Downey HS, and Friday night for Warren HS. Their critique is unfair. Speaking for Warren HS, we've celebrated many seniors over social media, we've organized several social-distanced "drive-throughs" to pass out caps and gowns, we've given students the opportunity to see their teachers one last time, and organized photos in front of the office where with our Garden Mascot.

Mr. Rojas and Ms. Reyes, it looks to me like you were trying to have a "gotcha" moment with Warren High School and the District. Ernesto, we know you are a very smart individual, but I hope next time you reach out to the school to ask questions before you make accusations. The Warren administrators and teachers are tirelessly working to give their Seniors the best they can have during this unfortunate time. I hope you can understand the frustration of seeing an ex-Warren graduate criticizing our efforts.

Good luck to you both, as I'm sure you will do tremendous things in your future. But please respect the work that people like my colleagues do...even if we aren't as smart as you.

Justin Muller