The Downey Patriot

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Letter to the Editor: Choose life

Dear Editor: 

Lodged between the popular Chick-fil-A, The Habit and the soon-to-be-opened La Barca restaurant is a building that houses the blight of our city. 

Students from Downey High School can pop into this building to get condoms and birth control without parents having any knowledge of this. And when those condoms and birth control fail to “protect them,” girls can return for an abortion, without parental knowledge or permission. 

No pain, no problem, a quick fix. No so. Just ask many of the women who regret having an abortion for the rest of their lives. They were told it was just a blob of tissue, or they were told it would be the best thing for their future. They were told that their boyfriend or family would abandon them. They were told all would be fine if they just ended this inconvenient little life. We pray for all those who were duped. 

FPA Women’s Health may perform other services for women but the dirty truth is their biggest income comes from ending the lives of unborn babies. Abortion is not healthcare. 

We wonder why our society has so much violence? It starts here, in Downey, which allows an abortion chamber to be next to a high school. 

So my plea to our city planners, council members, businesses, parents and churches: Pray first and do what you can so that God’s grace can flow here. Where are the people of God? Why are we not saving the mico-humans? Thousands of couples are waiting to adopt a child. 

City of Downey, let’s send a message that we prefer to choose life. 

Patti Sharpe