The Downey Patriot

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Letter to the Editor: Catherine Alvarez's entitlement

Dear Editor:

Catherine Alvarez is always claiming this recall is being supported by “the wealthy people, the landlords.” Well, how about the average income people that just don’t want Downey turning into our surrounding cities?

Truth is, I would love to live in Newport Beach or Laguna Beach, heck, even Irvine, but since I can’t afford it, I don’t live there. I don’t go to their city council meetings telling them they need to force their landlords to give me a place to live according to what I can afford to pay. That mindset is just absurd.

Why should any landlord be forced to take a cut in pay because other people have a want they can’t afford? Also, the fact that Catherine and her posse are always bringing up that Claudia Frometa, Blanca Pacheco and Mario Guerra live in nice houses and drive nice cars, that they don’t have to worry about paying high rent. Well, that’s because they made better choices growing up, they had strong guidance in their lives, and that is not their fault. They did well for themselves and work hard for what they have.

It’s not rocket science. If you want something bad enough you have to work hard for it. Nobody should be wrongfully blamed for being successful. I am still working at an age that I should be retired and I’m not blaming anyone but myself for choices that I’ve made. I recall when Catherine was fairly new on the council, she announced at a meeting that she was going to take some college classes and have the same opportunity as her colleagues to get an education; well, what happened to that?

Bottom line is having champagne taste on a beer income is not reality. This sense of entitled way of thinking is just not right. Nobody ever brings up the very nice car Catherine drives; how does she afford that? I certainly can’t afford that car and yet I don’t go to the meetings questioning her.

There is no doubt people want this recall due to her past behavior and lack of transparency, but Catherine should also realize people want to recall her because she wants Downey to be like other less desirable to live in cities. She wants low rent, street vendors on every corner in Downey (paying no permit fees), and homeless people living in shelters at our brand-new parks.

At the council meeting on Sept. 12, she said she didn’t go to the International Food Festival because she didn’t have money to spend. It was a free event. The only thing that cost money was food and alcohol. I knew and saw many people go and enjoy the event and not spend a dime. She has always been very selective on what events she attends. When the first recall was put in place, she started to go to all the events / volunteering, but that didn’t last long. She used to blame her lack of involvement on her disability (can’t stand or sit too long) and then shows up to the last of four food giveaways/ distributions in high heels handing out food and did fine for a couple of hours.

There is a small part of me that says, “Wow, she went after a seat and got it,” but the rest of me says she is not making the right choices for our city and wants to change it from a highly desired city to live and do business in to a city that will drive the respectful families and businesses out really fast.

On another note, I want to thank the many people that cared enough about the city of Downey to take time away from their families, jobs, and other daily routines to walk tirelessly for hours gathering signatures to make this recall happen. Their dedication and passion are very much appreciated.

Teresa Riley

Dear Editor:

It seems that the soon to be ousted criminal Catherine Alvarez still thinks rent control is something that folks in Downey want.

I would have to disagree with her and say that the only folks in favor of rent control are those that can’t afford to live in Downey.

Nobody has a right to live in Downey or anywhere else for that matter. You live where you can afford to live...plain and simple.

If Ms. Alvarez can’t afford to live in Downey, there are other communities close by with much cheaper rent.

Landlords should be able to charge whatever the market will give them. No rent control for the city of Downey.

Andrew Henins