The Downey Patriot

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Letter to the Editor: Canceling student loan debt

Dear Editor:

Senator Elizabeth Warren and her Democrat cohorts planning to cancel student debt is a perfect example of the Robin Hood philosophy but it does not go far enough.

Recognizing that it is very easy and politically useful to be generous with other people’s money, it should not stop in only rewarding irresponsible behavior. Those of us who worked hard and made many sacrifices so that our children could graduate debt free from college are also entitled to that bonanza.

My son graduated with an Aerospace Engineer degree at Florida Institute of Technology in Melbourne, FL. My daughter earned a Marketing degree at St John’s Catholic University in New York, NY. Both are private universities. Their education cost $492,000.

If justice is to prevail, responsible parents like myself should get a refund of the money we spent on our children’s education. After all, the government will benefit for some 48 years from the high income taxes our children will pay because of their high-paying jobs that they have because of their education and like their parent’s hard work.

Jorge Montero