The Downey Patriot

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Letter to the Editor: A conservative wish list

Dear Editor:

As it stands at this writing, Joe Biden could be our next president. He has been on TV saying, “He is not just the Democratic president, he is president of all” and wants us all to come together.

Sounds good. However, there are many conservatives who don’t agree with most of those things listed below:

We don’t want the government in charge of our healthcare.

We don’t want an open border where drugs and sex traffickers can cross freely.

We don’t want Ocasio-Cortez or Bernie Sanders tearing down buildings to promote the “green” movement. China and India, the world’s largest polluters, have been given until 2030 to clean up their air.

We don’t want thousands of Black Lives Matter or Antifa burning down, destroying our cities and killing some in our streets. The Democratic leadership has done nothing to stop it, they don’t even appear to notice it. Kamala Harris doesn’t. The Democrat cities have done nothing about this, so maybe the federal government needs to step in and stop it.

We don’t want our statues torn down or burned. It is the USA’s history.

We don’t want to defund the police. Milwaukee has found out this isn’t a good idea. They are now hiring police from other cities to protect them, costing half a million dollars.

We would like a president whose son does not go and rip off millions of dollars from Ukraine, Moscow’s mayor’s ex wife and China, and shares 20 percent with his dad. Is this being addressed and has it been taxed?

We don’t want a president who will take away charter schools, home schooling, private schools or Christian schools.

We want school choice.

We don’t wan the names of our military changed. The name West Point and others changed -- there is no reason to waste taxpayers’ money.

We want to stop abortion. What have babies done to deserve death? Most Democrats are advocating this, as well as some Republicans.

We don’t want a regime that will pack the Supreme Court leading to socialism and communism, giving the leaders complete control of everything.

What we really want is the “swamp drained.” We want people put in leadership who are honest and able to perform what they are being paid to do.

Leave the constitution alone. No changing of the second amendment.

We want one uniform, honest system of voting -- all the same for all states.

We do not want to go back and support WHO. It is obvious they were on China’s side regarding COVID-19 and covered for them.

We do not want to be a part of globalism nor follow the dictates of foreign government. We like the good old USA.

Joe wants us all to come together. Does he mean like we all came together under Trump? If you want all to come together, do what the people want, not take the US down. Remove those who are in the swamp.

Elsa Van Leuven