The Downey Patriot

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Junior State of America (JSA)

Over the years, the Junior State of America (JSA) has had many students partake in this national organization. Being in the 75th year of existence, JSA has managed to attract more than 500,000 student members. This organization was created to allow students who are interested in politics and government, the law, education and foreign affairs, to converse among their peers and be introduced to the different ways of politics.JSA is a national organization that is prearranged at the local chapter level. It is an organization run by student leaders, whom are in charge of doing all necessary planning to carry out all conventions, any conferences and political awareness events. The Model Congress Legislature delegations from schools in California and Arizona attended the, Winter Congress 2009 convention on Feb. 20, at Westin Hotel in Pasadena. At these types of conventions, the delegations have the opportunity to propose bills and discuss the advantages and drawbacks they could pose if any of the bills were to be passed. This year, Warren High School will be hosting a mini-convention along side the existing delegations at El Camino Real High School and Birmingham High School. JSA's President Samuel Yun founded the delegation at Warren High School, three years ago, and is currently running for Vice Mayor of this region. The regulations for these charters vary across the nation. Warren's delegation has a fee as high as $4. This fee covers the national, state, and regional school tax. This organization invites students to exchange ideas through stimulating student debates, and through trying to discuss problems that are faced today, politically wise. JSA also offers summer trips to several elite campuses, such as Georgetown, Princeton, Stanford and Yale. At these conventions, the student members take college courses six times a week, that are purposed to develop the members' knowledge of politics, leadership and history, and develop their skills of writing and speaking persuasively. These trips are averaged to last less than a month. The young delegates attend other activities where they get to interact with other students. As well as, attending sessions where they get to interrelate with well-known journalists, politicians, and opinion leaders. What the organization tries to achieve through offering these opportunities, is when the students conclude the program, they measure off with higher knowledge of civic responsibility. JSA encourages students to start their own delegations at their school, if one does not exist already. In order to run a successful delegation; it must consist of a minimum of eight members. "We encourage people who are fun loving, motivating individuals to join the club," said Warren High School student and JSA's President Samuel Yun. Yun goes on to say that this organization should not be seen as an organization for those that are socially misfit, rather for those who seek a place where they can speak with their peers about what is occurring in the nation today. Other events that are organized by the members are dances, and activities where they can go out and have fun with not only the friends they already had prior to their involvement in this program, but to consort with the new friends they made through this program. ********** Published: March 6, 2009 - Volume 7 - Issue 46