The Downey Patriot

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Interim city manager quells rumors of early resignation

DOWNEY - Interim City Manager Mark Scott has not put in his resignation, contrary to startling rumors that have circulated over the last few weeks.

According to Scott, he may have inadvertently started the rumors himself when – in a moment of frustration over his commute and the many changes currently occurring in the city – he sent an email to the City Council implying that the city should potentially look for a new interim city manager.

Scott – who lives in Fresno - commutes around 10 hours round trip every week to serve as Downey’s interim City Manager.

However, Scott says that his frustration began to wane over the next few days, and has told the Downey Patriot that he is hoping to stay on “for the entirety” of his contract.

“I signed on to do this; I want to stay,” said Scott. “They can have me as long as they want me.”

Regardless of the rumors, Scott’s time may still be limited with the city.

Under the guidelines of CalPERS, Scott is only allowed to work a total of 960 hours within the fiscal year (July 1-June 30). Under these parameters, the city council could find themselves looking for another interim city manager before a permanent one is found and installed.