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In new book, Downey author shares words from his jailhouse ministry

DOWNEY – George Laurin was born and raised in Downey and graduated from Downey High School in 1976. Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, he would go to jails in South Georgia to lead Bible studies, giving hope to men who were living in darkness. Once the pandemic hit, he and his fellow Christians were unable to make their weekly visits to the jail.

From this separation came this story of hope. This past year has brought heartache and pain to many people throughout the world and with it, fear. Fear is a universal human experience, but in this book, he shows that by walking in faith with God you can face all your fears boldly.

He begins the book by explaining that he is not an ordained minister or Biblical scholar. Instead, he is “just a sinner seeking a savior.” His story is his testimony interwoven with some of his favorite Bible studies from his jailhouse ministry.

George decided to share the words from his ministry with others who were not incarcerated because as he puts it, “you don’t have to be behind bars to be imprisoned in your life.” There are many people living in fear in this world he claims. As people try to face the fear in their lives without God by their side they do so in many ways. Some fall into a world lost in their addictions, others retreat into depression, and still others act out violently to the world around them. The addictions include everything from sex, drugs, alcohol, to eating disorders and more. These addictions are a “response to their brokenness with idleness and self-pity it is left to fester in their soul.”

Some of these same people could be outwardly appearing as good Christians living a good Christian life when suddenly the pandemic hit and the lives they were living were turned upside down. Here he introduces the term “Checkbox Christian” and claims he was one at one point in his life as well. He describes this as people who find church to be a place of personal business or social development; a place to grab a cup of coffee and find free childcare. These are people who try to live like Christians, but they want to take control of everything and tell God to stand down and we’ll call you when we need you.

Laurin explains that we all face fearful experiences in our lives from time to time, but by only trusting God wholeheartedly and having a daily relationship with God can you truly face fear with faith. You can do many things to dull the senses related to fear, but without faith you are not truly facing fear. He uses his favorite Bible verse to explain this further: Proverbs 3:5-6 reads; “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”

He explains with this verse that you can’t meet God halfway. He writes, “you need to pour into your faith and be more than a Checkbox Christian. You have to be ready to testify your faith with others and trust that the Lord will give you the words to share when you do.”

With that in mind he wrote this book. He is currently the best-selling author for BMK Publishing in his first quarter since publishing it.

“Facing Fear with Faith” is available for purchase on Amazon.