The Downey Patriot

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In memoriam

Dear Editor:Lots of people are paying tribute to Steve Jobs. To me, he's just a name in the news. I'm writing in memory of a local young man named Joe. He was not a famous man. He was not, by the world's standards, a successful man. He was a very troubled man. But he wanted to do the right thing, and he was not a quitter. With God's help, he tried again and again to do the right thing. He loved his family, he loved his wife and children, and he loved his country. After 9-11, he eagerly reenlisted to fight for his country. That fight left him with physical and emotional pain. But he was still proud of his flag and reminded us often to "fly it right." We're sorry, Joe, and we'll miss you. We pray you are at peace now. Thank you and all our servicemen and vets who have sacrificed to protect our shores. -- Glory Derryberry, Downey

********** Published: October 13, 2011 - Volume 10 - Issue 26