The Downey Patriot

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In God We Trust

Dear Editor:Mr. Miguel Rojas said our national motto shouldn't be placed inside our City Council chambers. ("Politics and Religion Don't Mix," 10/30/09) It is appropriate for our national motto to be placed in all government facilities. If Mr. Rojas doesn't like the words of our national motto, that says something about him, which has nothing to do with our motto's right of location. As a former president of the United States might have said, Mayor Guerra, put up our national motto! - El Bee, Downey

Dear Editor: In response to Mr. Rojas' letter, it is obvious that he has never visited Washington, D.C. nor any of the national monuments, nor our own U.S. Capital. All of these have scriptures and Biblical references attached or engraved on them. The U.S. Senate and House of Representatives open each session in prayer, as does the Supreme Court. There is a segment of our society, "People for the American Way" and the ACLU, who continue to try to remove God from all things public. It is a shame that our U.S. history has been so perverted in recent editions of our textbooks, and that many immigrants nowadays don't really know or care about our history. It is steeped in a strong belief in God. All but one signer of our Constitution were Christians. And the "infamous separation of church and state" is not to be found in any of our governing documents, but only in a letter written by Thomas Jefferson that has been taken out of context and often misquoted. I am sorry that some (which really are so few) want to remove God and ignore how He has blessed our nation in the past when we honored Him. - Maggie Allen, Downey

********** Published: November 6, 2009 - Volume 8 - Issue 29