The Downey Patriot

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Humane standards for hens

Dear Editor:If out-of-stage egg producers don't want their eggs to rot away in the supermarkets, they should at least give their hens enough space to spread their wings. California voters overwhelmingly supported Proposition 2 because we believe that it's unethical to cram birds in tiny, filthy cages. For that reason, we should support AB 1437 - the bill that will require out-of-stage egg companies to comply with our more humane standards. I believe that the best way to help hens is to not buy eggs at all, but if AB 1437 passes, it will help lessen the suffering of countless hens around the country, and that's something everyone, everywhere can get behind. - Laura Frisk, Encinitas, Calif.

********** Published: May 15, 2009 - Volume 8 - Issue 4