The Downey Patriot

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Freedom of belief

Dear Editor:I've noticed at this time of campaigning that the names of Jesus and God have apparently entered the rhetoric of various candidates and organizations. Where do I start? Maxine Waters might be a good place. I'm assuming that if she believes in hell, she must believe in heaven. I know when some occupy places of power, it goes to their heads and they mentally elevate themselves far above their status of importance. Someone needs to inform Maxine that it is God who will be the judge of who goes to heaven or hell. With her strong condemnation of the Tea Party to go to hell, she should be careful as she might spend eternity with them. Then Charlie Rangel has asked "what would Jesus do?" I called his office and told him, "Jesus would have paid his taxes and wouldn't have cheated the IRS" (till caught). biblically, it says "render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's." I don't know what he rendered to God but Rangle cheated Caesar. I've heard politicians ask "whose side would God be on?" I think the better question would be "who is on God's side?" It must sicken Him to see what has happened in the U.S., a country founded on Christian principles, to a people who came here for religious freedom. Now, 10 years later, we are remembering the attack on the Twin Towers. If my memory serves me correctly, I remember seeing all of Congress on the steps of the Capitol Building singing "God Bless America." Was their petition sincere? We have Jeremiah Wright asking God to condemn America. Interesting that Mayor Bloomberg has decided there will be no prayer offered and no Christian or Jewish representation on the Day of Remembrance. Bloomberg wanted to approve the building of a mosque on this site and the Imam of this mosque has applied for a federal grant to build it. What odds do you give this? How many times has the ACLU, the separation of church and state organization, the freedom from religion movement, courts deciding football players and various school activities may not pray? Crosses where people have died, memorial crosses for honoring service people, and the Ten Commandments have been removed in many government courts and buildings. Even the two pieces of wood that formed a cross at the 9/11 site (not put there by human hands; it just appeared) is threatening to unbelievers. This is beyond me. Will we Americans ever stand up and protect our religious beliefs? I do not believe in fairies, extraterrestrial beings, leprechauns, etc, but if someone else does, I'm not starting a movement to stop them. What is the purpose of fighting against something one doesn't believe exists? Is it that the Ten Commandments are so bad they must destroy them? I'm at a loss to explain the hatred they have against something they don't even believe exists. Perhaps deep inside they fear they might be wrong and are so fearful that it might be true and they will be punished. -- Elsa Van Leuvan, Downey

********** Published: September 15, 2011 - Volume 10 - Issue 22