The Downey Patriot

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Fly your flag

Dear Editor:On Flag Day, June 14, almost no flags were seen flying other than what the city had posted. Not too long ago, it was customary to fly the American flag on many occasions such as Memorial Day (the last Monday in May), Flag Day (June 14) and Independence Day (July 4). It was also customary to fly the flag from dawn to dusk but now some people choose to fly our flag 24-7 and that is permissible providing it is properly illuminated. It was unsettling not to see more flags flying on Flag Day. Who amongst us, who served in the military, will forget that moment after dawn when the bugler played the snappy, soul-stirring notes of reveille as we stood at attention saluting while old glory was raised to full staff? Sunday, July 4, is Independence Day. This is an important day in our history so plan to fly our flag that day. - Byron Dillon, Downey

********** Published: June 24, 2010 - Volume 9 - Issue 10