The Downey Patriot

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Fire petition

Dear Editor:My husband and I were approached at our home by someone requesting we sign a petition for the fire department. The woman stated that she worked for the fire department. I knew this was a lie. The woman said she had a list of registered voters for our neighborhood and my name was bold-faced on the list which meant that I already signed the petition. I told her that after reading an article in the Downey paper, I feel like I was mislead into signing the petition and I wanted my name removed from it. She said she couldn't do that. She was very rude and ignorant. It bothers me that I got bamboozled into signing a petition under false pretenses. Unfortunately, due to the misleading nature of these petitioners, I will not be signing any more petitions and will politely ask them to leave my property. Cindy Winegar Downey

********** Published: March 7, 2013 - Volume 11 - Issue 47