The Downey Patriot

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Fashion show May 10

DOWNEY - The Downey Newcomers Club will host a fashion show May 10 at the Rio Hondo Event Center.The fashion show, titled "Springtime on Parade," is the club's major fundraising event of the year with proceeds going towards the club's scholarships for local high school seniors and charities. Fashions from Glory M'Lou's will be modeled by club members Karen Davis, Lynn Dietlin, June Ferguson, Ellie Harrington, Jeanine Henson, Mary Kresonja, Melba Willbanks and Kim Yeager. Tickets are $25 and include lunch and door prizes. The event begins at 10:30 a.m. Pre-sale tickets are recommended by calling Melba Willbanks at (562) 862-2799.

********** Published: April 16, 2010 - Volume 8 - Issue 52