The Downey Patriot

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Dear Editor:The cover story on Alex Meruelo and his acquisition of the Atlanta Hawks was great news. ("Downey Businessman Purchases Atlanta Hawks," 8/11/11) It was so good to read how this first-generation American has achieved such a high level of success through his hard work and dedication. I would like very much to read a full story of his journey, and I'm sure many other Downey residents would be interested and inspired. I'm also sure there are many other similar - though different in scale - stories in this town, and these should be sought out and reported as well. In fact, I'd love to see the "Looking Back On..." column relegated to the back pages of the paper, and replaced with a "Looking Forward With..." column on our many hard-working entrepreneurs. This would show a Downey that will be, rather than a has-been. Thanks again for a great story, and congratulations to Mr. Meruelo. -- Don Bryan, Pasadena

********** Published: August 18, 2011 - Volume 10 - Issue 18