Downey teacher to speak Monday
DOWNEY - Author and educator Chris Bowen will speak and sign books at the Downey City Library on Monday from 7-8:30 p.m.Bowen is the author of "Our Kids: Building Relationships in the Classroom." Bowen, who currently teaches at West Middle School, also taught reading and math at Lewis Elementary School in Downey. He was recently honored as "Teacher of the Year" in Los Angeles County. Bowen's book is geared for teachers, parents and anyone who wants to improve their relationships with children. "The key to success with children is building a personal relationship with each child," Bowen said. "There is a huge difference between being tough and being strong. Anybody can be tough…but it takes the strength of patience, empathy and honesty to build the more effective, lasting relationship." At the free event, Bowen will discuss his experiences as a teacher and give tips for improving relationships at school and at home. Copies of his book will be available for purchase and signing, and light refreshments will be served. To register, call (562) 904-7360, ext. 132.
********** Published: April 3, 2009 - Volume 7 - Issue 50