The Downey Patriot

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Downey (sorta) rocks

Dear Editor:I was astounded to read months ago that the rock group America was coming to lil ol' Downey, once called "a sleepy bedroom community." Never in all my years have we had such a top name group here. I thought new management was certainly doing a good job kicking off the season. Our theatre hasn't been totally full very often but I was amazed to hear that it was sold out. I always knew we had rock 'n rollers in town. So kudos to the management company for selecting them and for providing adult beverages at an adult concert. The silent auction made the evening exciting as well. However, I want to remind my fellow Downeyites that this was a rock concert and not an Armchair Adventure. You are allowed to get up and dance. It was actually a little disappointing that no one did for any song, not even the encore songs. A band feeds off the energy of the audience, and unfortunately we didn't seem to have any…that is for the crazy back row where I and my friends were. They definitely connected and enjoyed our energy. So, just practice at home and shake it a little in front of the mirror. Like Kaiser says….."Where did you lose it? Is it under the couch? If you look hard enough you will find it!" Let's welcome The Temptations in March with a energy and a little soul. I'm excited for this concert as well and looking forward to seeing more people get your groove back on! -- Dorothy Pemberton, Downey

********** Published: November 17, 2011 - Volume 10 - Issue 31