The Downey Patriot

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Downey remembers victims of 9/11 terror attacks

DOWNEY — The City of Downey – along with city council members, first responders, veterans and other residents – came together on Wednesday to remember those lost in the September 11 attacks that occurred 23 years ago.

Mayor Mario Trujillo led the ceremony, commenting that the saying “We will never forget” rings true “now more than ever.”

“We must continue to come together and remember this moment in our country and the heroes that responded bravely so they are not forgotten,” said Trujillo. “The younger generations need to know, so we need to keep this day alive.”

Assemblywoman Blanca Pacheco echoed the sentiment.

“As time goes on, the younger generation doesn’t know what happened or how it felt to live in the moment of 9/11,” said Pacheco. “I remember on 9/11… my mother called me and said, ‘Turn on the TV.’ That’s when I turned on the TV, and I was in shock. At first, I thought it was an accident, and then I realized what happened.

“It was such a tragic event that I still remember to this day how I felt and what I was doing. I know for all of us who lived during that moment, we all remember where we were, every second, every moment of the next several days thereafter. That is something that we have to share to our younger generation.”

Downey Fire Battalion Chief Peter Browne called it “a hallowed day.”

“All of those first responders that were taken from us on Sept. 11, 2001, all of them got up in the morning, got dressed, got showered, ate, and headed off to what was supposed to be a typical day,” said Browne. “Among those that perished were just a little over 2,500 civilians, as well as 55 military personnel. Additionally, there were 414 first responders that ultimately lost their lives that day.

“Those 414 first responders that day didn’t know that they would ultimately be putting on their uniform for the last time, and that they would answer that call for the last time also.”

Browne said that first responders in Downey “shared that same sense of duty.”

“I have no doubt that the individuals that are here today, the individuals that we have out on the Line fire would do exactly the same today as those individuals did 23 years ago,” said Browne.

Trujillo thanked Downey’s police and fire departments.

“Our first responders here in Downey are valued,” said Trujillo. “We absolutely value you. We need you, and we thank you for doing such a great job for our great city.”