The Downey Patriot

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Downey Brewing Company plans renovations

DOWNEY - Downey Brewing Company plans extensive renovations to its restaurant, including bathroom, patio and dining room expansions, according to an e-mail sent to customers by owner Walter Vazquez."For some time now we have been working with architects, engineers and city planners to bring forth some needed changes to our location," wrote Vazquez in a company newsletter e-mailed to customers last week. "It's certainly going to require time, money and support from our customers for the changes we are planning." The wooden fence that currently surrounds the outdoor patio will be replaced with a concrete wall holding glass windows that reach almost to the patio cover. With an almost-enclosed patio, the restaurant can install a barbecue pit to expand its menu options, Vazquez said. "No more getting wet when it rains or suffering because strong winds...," Vazquez wrote. The restaurant will increase the size of its bathroom by removing a dining booth and relocating the restroom's entrance. The new bathroom will feature partitions for privacy and be ADA compliant. Meanwhile, the dining area will be expanded by knocking down some walls and moving them further out, Vazquez said. Finally, the restaurant will received a "much-needed face lift" with new doors and a new A-frame roof. No timetable was given for the project's completion, but the restaurant is now in the process of hiring a contractor. "We are thankful that the planning commission gave us their approval to our plans," said Vazquez. "Each stage will take some time to be completed and we will keep you updated on our progress." Downey Brewing Company opened at the former Foxy's building at Paramount Boulevard and 3rd Street more than three years ago.

********** Published: February 23, 2012 - Volume 10 - Issue 45