The Downey Patriot

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Donations for ER

Dear Editor:After reading the two letters of complaint about the Downey Regional Medical Center emergency room, I am wondering if they, like me, received a letter asking for a donation. The letter said these donations would be used to purchase more up-to-date equipment. Isn't that the responsibility of the hospital? I guess they used the names of people who have used the emergency room services at some point. I had my second child at the old Downey Community Hospital and I have spent time in the new hospital. With my husband's health problems, I have spent more time that I would like to count in the emergency room. I am really sad to see this once great hospital going down the drain. I do not believe donating to the emergency room will help save the hospital. -- Doris Hannon, Downey

********** Published: January 13, 2011 - Volume 9 - Issue 39