The Downey Patriot

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Don Cheto

Dear Editor:I was surprised when I picked up the paper this past Friday and noticed a picture of Don Cheto on the front page (The Downey Patriot, 10/16/09). I was even more surprised when I read that he was actually representing Hispanic Heritage Month. While my sister and I read and re-read the news that Don Cheto was chosen to representing Hispanics we both laughed hysterically and then that laughter turned to serious pondering. We wondered what shortsighted person decided that Don Cheto was the best candidate to represent Hispanics at all. Because we are proud members of the 13 million Hispanic Americans living in California, my family and I are aware of the richness of our culture and of so many influential Hispanics in and around the LA area. It worries me to think that a people like Supreme Court justice, the congressman and/or important Marketing Director made the decision that don Cheto was the best choice for our representation… Hispanic Business Magazine published a column for 2008 presenting the 100 most influential U.S Hispanics. More than half of them came from California, with 40 chosen from Los Angeles alone. It worries me to think that through events like the celebrity cook -off, Don Cheto may be seen as a representation of what Hispanic culture is all about. The paper mentioned that Don Cheto is a Spanish radio personality. What they didn't mention was what he talks about during his regular air time. His shows are regularly filled with cheap derogatory comments both towards women and men, along with ignorant slang remarks that have the undeniable effect of suppressing the image of Hispanics by other cultures. My sister and I both had the (unfortunate) opportunity of seeing Don Cheto at a promotional event in L.A. recently. It was disappointing to witness Don Cheto on stage addressing the public. His words were harsh, ignorant and we were ashamed to see how the public was drawn towards his circus act. If Don Cheto fans want to continue listening to his show, it is their choice. However, the powers that be should think twice next time before choosing an individual strictly based on his fame and instead take into consideration what that person represents as a whole. - Alan Rangel, Downey

********** Published: October 23, 2009 - Volume 8 - Issue 27