The Downey Patriot

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Disagrees with review

Dear Editor:The review of "No, No Nanette" in The Downey Patriot's Oct. 14 edition was undeserved. The article's title, "There Aren't Many Vibrating Tunes in 'No, No Nanette,'" forewarned us that a disappointing commentary would follow. Our girls' night out group of 26 has been attending the preview performance of the Downey Civic Light Opera series plays for a number of years. When we left the theater on Sept. 30, several of us commented that "No, No Nanette" was one of the best productions presented in every way. The acting and singing by the cast, the music, and the phenomenal endurance of the dancers were all enjoyable. Some of us made a point to make favorable comments to [executive producer] Marsha Moode as we exited the theater, and some even attended a second performance of the play. We concede that the writer did a good job describing the story line and being complimentary as to the overall productions that have been presented. However, the writer's negative introductory title and final comment, "No, No Nanette' just isn't my cup of tea," certainly do not encourage attendance at the Downey Civic Light Opera productions or support the community in which The Downey Patriot is published. -- Charlene Farnsworth and friends, Downey

********** Published: October 21, 2010 - Volume 9 - Issue 27