The Downey Patriot

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Death penalty

Dear Editor:I'm going to vote to keep the death penalty because of that person who killed three of our Downey citizens last week. He is a terrorist. Period. I hope he gets the death penalty. Mike Sandoval Downey

Dear Editor: I have to admit it, I was thinking seriously of voting for Prop 34 when I heard that the average time spent on death row is almost 29 years and during that time the condemned receive private cells, their own health care and unlimited briefs that the California Supreme Court must hear. Then comes the senseless murder of three people right here in Downey over a purported used car! That brought me quickly back to my senses - the last thing we need for the next 50 years is another Charles Manson who comes up for parole hearings every few years, wasting more of our tax dollars. I urge all Downey residents to think about that poor family and vote 'No" on Prop 34 - some criminals deserve the ultimate punishment no matter how long it takes. Matt Bauer Downey

********** Published: November 1, 2012 - Volume 11 - Issue 29