The Downey Patriot

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Concert praise

Dear Editor:I know I'm late in saying this, but better late than never. Last December I read in your paper that Warren High School's Vocal Department was having a holiday concert. I have always wanted to encourage any kind of music in our schools, so I took a friend and we attended the concert. There were 300 participants in that program. We were both amazed at the quality, the choices of songs and the enthusiasm of the singers. Director Robert Petersen is to be congratulated on a big job well done. When my children were in high school in Downey there were very, very little in the way of vocal music (or even instrumental) in our schools. I taught for 21 years in the elementary schools (prior to 1981) so I was very well aware of the lack of music. Mr. Petersen had to begin from the bottom to build his singing groups; not an easy job. I just can't say enough in praise of this man. The program he put on Dec. 14 was wonderful. Keep up the good work, dear teacher! -- Margery Barnings, Downey

********** Published: February 03, 2011 - Volume 9 - Issue 42