Clean after-prom party at the Rives Mansion
Warren's prom ends at midnight which means the night is dedicated to the seniors of 2009, their plans may either include attending a local party or just hanging out with friends at various locations. One local party differs from the rest, the Rives Mansion is hosting its first ever Clean-After Prom party. This event is being arranged by Lauren Baumann and Warren senior and Miss Teen Downey Princess Natalia Armador.The party was designed to give seniors another alternative to the usual expectations of prom night. The clean party will not consist of the usual aspects that go along with other prom parties, such as drinking, drugs and sexual behavior. Girls are encouraged to sleep over at the mansion and boys are sent on their way by two pm. The entrance fee into the party is a $10 cover fee. The night will include food, fun and games. The party's purpose is to give girls an alternative so that they won't feel pressured into having sex with anyone on prom night. Lauren Baumann and Natalia Armador met through the Downey Rose Float Association, and began working together through the Downey Princess program. They devised this party and saw it as an opportunity to give back to the community. The Rives Mansion is located off of Paramount Boulevard and serves as the landmark of Downey. Making it simple, for teens to find the house and feel safe on prom night. Prom attendee Kirstin Worden said, " I think it's good that there will be a clean prom after party for those who would like to attend, it gives [seniors] the option of not getting caught up with distractions of the night." Prom attendee Vanessa Camacho said, " I think it's great for many people, especially for those who aren't looking for trouble, gives them an option." The prom after party serves as a safe haven for some due to many intoxications and dangerous activities that are associated with the night. Natalia Armador states, " I wanted to give people an alternative.."
********** Published: May 1, 2009 - Volume 8 - Issue 2