The Downey Patriot

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City pays tribute to veterans

Veterans Day observance event last Friday at the Downey Theatre.Hernandez spoke of the history behind the VFW poppy distribution program, and offered stirring stories of servicemen and women sent overseas to protect the United States, often coming home disfigured or handicapped. Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard was also on-hand for a portion of the program. She promised to "fight for the benefits our veterans are entitled to." The city also paid tribute to Kenneth Drake, a veteran of World War II, the Korean War and Vietnam; and Kenji Sayama, the Japanese-American veteran who was recently honored with a Congressional medal. Mayor Pro Tem Roger Brossmer, who is scheduled to be elected mayor next month, announced he would begin publicly honoring local military members before council meetings. He also said a project to install a veterans memorial in front of City Hall is "moving forward.

********** Published: November 17, 2011 - Volume 10 - Issue 31