The Downey Patriot

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City partners with UCLA for paramedic training

DOWNEY - The city of Downey agreed to enter into an affiliation deal with the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA on Tuesday, agreeing to send its future paramedics to the university's Center for Prehospital Care for training.The center has already been providing advanced education for Downey Fire Department paramedics and emergency medical technicians for the past 18 months but under the affiliation agreement UCLA will begin training students striving to become paramedics in Downey. The deal also allows the fire department to "sponsor" its volunteers into UCLA's Paramedic Education Program at a discounted price to the student. Sponsorship only secures admission to the program and all fees are incurred by the person being sponsored, fire chief Lonnie Croom wrote in a staff report. UCLA offered the affiliation agreement at no cost.

********** Published: March 29, 2012 - Volume 10 - Issue 50