The Downey Patriot

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Child safety

Dear Editor:I have noticed for some time now that there seems to be little regard for our children's safety while being dropped off and picked up at school. This week I was very surprised to see a mother just let her child cross the street (alone and running) behind a truck that was in the process of backing into a parking spot. Luckily the child was not injured but the mother had the audacity to yell at the driver of the truck for almost hitting her child. I can't believe that instead of walking to the crosswalk a few yards away, a parent would risk the life of a child. I don't know if having crossing guards at schools in the morning would help because there are a couple of women with orange vests around the campus after school doing nothing. Maybe they are not crossing guards at all. Sometimes there is a police office there issuing tickets but with the overflow of students in our district, sadly one officer is not enough. This danger is not only outside the perimeter of the school but in the parking lot as well. The clearly-marked exit only driveways are typically ignored as well as the right-turn-only signs. I hope something can be done about this issue before it is too late and someone's child is severely injured or worse. - Juan Flores, Downey

********** Published: March 26, 2010 - Volume 8 - Issue 49