The Downey Patriot

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Charity begins at home

Dear Editor: I just finished reading your editorial page today (Feb. 27, 2015). I read Ron Paul’s editorial and was disappointed that the charity,, was essentially a local Kentucky charity, with plans of expansion and fundraising in Chicago and Atlanta.

It supports a noble cause, helping women in recovering from sexual abuse situations, so Paul’s support as a Kentucky U.S. senator seems appropriate. It runs a Christian 12-month inpatient recovery program for eight women at a time located in a rural area. Its office is open only two days a week, but messages are picked up at other times.

However, with all of the issues confronting Downey, our own charities and NGOs need our support. I believe that charity begins at home, not Kentucky.

Let’s have a focus on local issues, relevant to our community and our neighbors. Let people in Kentucky spend their own money on their problems. We have enough problems and insufficient charity/NGO money to be participating in a charity that’s only claim to fame is that Ron Paul is a possibility for President in 2016 and writes editorials that the Downey Patriot prints.

Mary L. Quillin




Published: March 5, 2015 - Volume 13 - Issue 47