The Downey Patriot

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CERT training

Dear Editor: I recently concluded the Spring C.E.R.T. (Community Emergency Response Team) training, designed to better prepare the citizens of Downey for a major catastrophe.

I am now very aware of how poorly prepared I was to respond to a major emergency. The CERT training is very rigorous and teaches you how to prepare, what to do and more importantly what not do in case of a major catastrophe.

I am very impressed with the professionalism displayed by the Fire Department members who taught the program and with the volunteers who donated their time (for 3 consecutive Saturdays) to make a success of the program. I am equally impressed with the Warren High Humanitarian Society students who participated as simulated victims for the training. It shows that our youth get it and are willing to donate their time for the benefit of their city.

The recent news about earthquakes should get us thinking about the big one that is coming. It is not a question of if but of when and unless we get out of our lethargy and prepare for that catastrophe the consequences will be more dire. I urge all citizens of Downey to investigate the CERT training and enroll in the next program that will take place in the early fall.

Jorge Montero




Published: May 7, 2015 - Volume 14 - Issue 04