The Downey Patriot

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Cancer group honors Roybal-Allard

COMMERCE - The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) honored Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA-34) with its 2010 California Federal Advocacy Leadership Award for her legislative commitment in Congress to combating cancer."ACS CAN's unfailing advocacy in the Halls of Congress is a key reason the Appropriations Committee has continued to fund the National Cancer Institute with the largest increase within the NIH, and it is a key reason the National Cancer Institute received an unprecedented $1.2 billion dollars in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act," Roybal-Allard said during her remarks. "As a senior member of the House Appropriations Committee, I am committed to continuing to fight for needed funding and I am committed to bringing focus on the disparities that exist in cancer research and treatment outcomes." Held at Steven's Steak House, an estimated 90 community and health leaders attended the network's California Advocacy Leadership Award Dinner. In presenting the award to the congresswoman, the network said: "You have demonstrated leadership in support of ACS CAN's federal advocacy agenda through legislative initiatives, as well as showing visible public commitment in the effort to eradicate cancer." The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network is a non-partisan legislative advocacy affiliate of the American Cancer Society that strives to make the elimination of cancer a national priority. "I commend the Cancer Action Network and all of you for your courage and tireless efforts on behalf of the thousands of individuals who suffer and die from this devastating disease," continued Roybal-Allard after sharing with the audience that her sister is a breast cancer survivor. "Through your advocacy and the telling of your personal stories and experiences you are truly making a difference in people's lives and in keeping the doors of possibility open until our war against cancer is won. Again, I thank the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network for this award which I most sincerely share with each and every one of you."

********** Published: August 26, 2010 - Volume 9 - Issue 19