The Downey Patriot

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Cancellation of School Play A Mystery to Students

Mystery still surrounds the cancellation of Warren's school play, "The Diviners," as theater teacher Kyle Deichman refuses to comment to reporters about its halt.The play tells the story of a mentally challenged young boy who feared water and kept a close relationship with the preacher in the state of Indiana. The play follows the life of the boy and the events that occur after losing his mother. Many are wondering why the sudden cancellation of a play that was supposed to come out this week has been completely thrown off the list for the year. When asked about the play, many of his students refused to comment. "I'm not talking, Deichman's already [mad] and I don't want him taking his anger out on me," said a student who wished to remain anonymous. People are speculating that the show was cancelled because the lead roles did not memorize their lines in time, which made some of the other cast members feel as if there was no point in giving their best. "I think he cancelled [the play] because the play had more potential than what we were going to show," said a student who was close to the situation. The student said the play will most likely be at its best next year when cast members have had a chance to improve and fix their mistakes. "Everyone feels a little guilty for not giving it our all," said a student who only would comment if remained anonymous. "It's still a touchy subject for some of us. We spent a lot of time on our project." Some students are wondering why Deichman did not just choose to postpone the play or why alternatives were not assigned to these important roles. It has been said that Deichman put in a substantial amount of money from his own pocket into the production of the play. Postponing it for later would only add to higher costs. Many of the cast members are a bit heartbroken, but they also understand that it had to be done. They hope to prove themselves in the next upcoming plays set for the year. ********** Published: March 6, 2009 - Volume 7 - Issue 46