The Downey Patriot

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Bumpy ride

Dear Editor:I have never experienced what it is was like to cross the Oregon Trail in a covered wagon but I feel I can get the idea by driving northbound on Lakewood Boulevard from Florence Avenue to Telegraph Road. The city did an excellent job on Lakewood Blvd. from the south city limits to Florence Avenue but for reasons unknown to me, the work was stopped at Florence and Lakewood. As you begin your journey northbound on Lakewood from Florence to Telegraph Road, you will immediately get the idea on just how bad the ride is going to be as soon as you cross Florence. It only goes downhill from there. As you approach the 5 Freeway, forget all about the front end of your vehicle being knocked out of alignment that has already been done. When you get closer to Telegraph Road, your ride really gets bumpy. The number 2 lane (curbside) of Lakewood Blvd., has been destroyed over the years by buses and lots of traffic turning right onto Telegraph Road. There are some very serious issues with Lakewood that really needs dedicated attention and repair. One last item! It seems incredible to me so many vehicles are being manufactured today without turn signals. At first I thought these acts were just being made by inconsiderate, disrespectful and uneducated drivers. After sitting on the roadway waiting for the oncoming traffic to clear so I could make my left turn onto another roadway, with my turn signal activated, and only to see an oncoming car making a right turn onto the same street I intended to turn on, I came to the conclusion these acts were not being made by inconsiderate, disrespectful and uneducated moron drivers. Their act was committed because their vehicle is not equipped with turn signals. -- David Abney, Downey

********** Published: January 19, 2012 - Volume 10 - Issue 40