The Downey Patriot

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Budget joke

Dear Editor:The punch line to the city budget joke is the City Council expects "a change in spending habits." ("City Avoids Service Cuts in Latest Budget," 6/9/11) Downey's retailers will be glad to know in this depressed, sideways economy their business will leap 20% next year because the City Council says so. That looks like a "plug number" put in the budget equation to produce the needed outcome. When the tax revenue does not happen - surprise, surprise - we have an "emergency" and the council will raid the emergency reserves for still more. When we do have an earthquake - or other real emergency - the city will be broke because the Council frittered the reserves away on entertainment, WiFi and fireworks shows. Why do we emulate Los Angeles? -- Gordon Lundene, Downey

********** Published: June 16, 2011 - Volume 10 - Issue 9