The Downey Patriot

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Bayer is wrong for mayor

Dear Editor:

Despite the challenging economic times and Sacramento's willingness to raid school district funds, our city and school district continue to prioritize our children's future. With Councilwoman Anne Bayer expected to be mayor next year, I'm concerned my child's education will suffer because of her animosity towards the school district.

It's bad enough she opposes Character Counts and the great things True Lasting Connection does for our community, but her inability to collaborate with our school district alarms me. How can the city and school district continue to shape the leaders of tomorrow when Bayer is unwilling or unable to return phone calls or e-mails, and continuously shows animosity toward children and school programs? What makes Downey great is the team effort our city and school district have demonstrated over the years. Just like in 1999 when residents overwhelmingly rejected her Downey School Board candidacy, we have choices. Her disturbing positions toward children and our school district make her the wrong choice for mayor.  

Jeanine Franks, Downey

Dear Editor:

While surrounding cities have high unemployment rates, Downey has implemented a successful economic development plan without compromising our future's youth. This phenomenon is not by accident. We have elected leaders that have the fortitude, vision and a proactive approach to make things happen, leaders that cast their votes in the best interest of the city and not on some egotistical bias and dissention.

We are at a pivotal point in Downey's history, and now is not the time for Councilwoman Anne Bayer's poor judgment to play a role in Downey's mayoral transition. While tradition has a place in the history of our city, tradition should not be the deciding factor, especially during these economic times in choosing our next mayor. We must choose the person that will continue our momentum and be able to work with the council in carrying forth this agenda. I do not believe councilmember Bayer is that person.

Bayer, unfortunately, carries an egotistical bias that has clouded her judgment when casting votes. Bayer has routinely cast votes without having Downey's best interest in mind, as evidenced by numerous 4 -1 votes where she is the only dissenting vote. Her votes to me evidence a "them" vs. her mentality.

Although the presence of Porto's Bakery is an important step in revitalizing our downtown area, Bayer was the only councilmember to vote against it. Likewise, Bayer was against updating the city's website, even though the update would serve as a marketing tool to promote our great city to potential financial investors.

Her clouded ability to vote in favor of what is in the best interests of our city rather than to simply vote "against" the other Council members is further evidenced by her sole dissenting vote against our Character Counts program, school policing, and school recycle education program. Even more appalling is her vote against the DUSD sponsored program, True Lasting Connection, which provides basic school supplies to under-privileged children in our City. In fact, she said on the record "those kids do not pay taxes." Which kids in our city pay taxes? Who are "those kids" that she is referring to?

Bayer's track record is clear, she's against economic development in our community, against youth programs in our school district, against strengthening our public safety, and against technological advancement.  

M. Mairena, Downey

********** Published: December 4, 2009 - Volume 8 - Issue 32