The Downey Patriot

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Bastards sports bar

Dear Editor:I find it ironic that Downey flies banners honoring its young citizens serving in the country's military but when those same young heroes come home and want to honor their unit, their service and their comrades, some members of the community take offense. They cite the Six Pillars of Character but fail to explain how the name of this sports bar owned by veterans violates any of the pillars. Importance of character? It takes character to join the U.S. military and step into harm's way to protect our freedoms. There may be an issue of decorum, but it doesn't rise to the obscene level of ungrateful citizens whose very freedoms rely on the military. I'm a Vietnam veteran (yeah, I'm older) and I plan to patronize the magnificent Bastards sports bar. I hope they have good BBQ and southern-style greens! And thank you for your service and sacrifice, and Semper Fi. Tom Burney, Downey

Dear Editor: It took several good looks over two days for me to realize that the name of the new restaurant on 2nd Street and Downey Avenue really is Bastards. It was such a total surprise and shock that I couldn't believe it was being allowed by the city, in the middle of our downtown area, on a busy intersection. If they want to be noticed, it will certainly happen. But not for the reason of good food or atmosphere. In fact, many people may avoid going there out of a silent protest. I know that will certainly include me. Downey has made such an excellent start of giving our downtown area some real class with great places to eat and be entertained. They need to be discerning about the name of this restaurant and give them an ultimatum: change it or don't open under that name. We are a family friendly city and I'm proud to live here. But this is a disappointment and certainly gives the wrong message to anyone new to the city. How do we explain this to our children? I understand the reason for the name was given in your paper. However, people reading the sign won't know this reason. They will only see the name and wonder...and drive right on by. Joyce Beach, Downey

Dear Editor: I am writing to you as a mother of a Marine Major, a second grade teacher, a grandmother and a person who has lived in this area since 1985. If I could, I would first speak to Nick Velez. Thank you for all that you and your "brothers" and "sisters" have done to keep our country safe. Every time that my son has gone to battle or even deployed, I have gone to my knees to ask for God's protection and guidance. My son was in the 1/5 battalion and was one of the first men to enter Iraq in 2003. I know what it is like to not know if my son is dead or alive. Please know that the people whom you fought for are thankful. But the word that you have chosen is not appropriate for our children to see on the main or street - or any street - in Downey or any other city in this country you fought to keep free. Friendly fire can be more deadly than enemy attacks. Mayor Roger Brossmer is aware that the city of Downey has long since adopted "Character Counts" (trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship). Does the name of this new business now become the seventh word of Character Counts? Where does the name of this restaurant fit relaying a positive image for our city? I am deeply concerned that using this word in any public place send a negative message, especially to our children. Please do not let our children be dragged in the gutter just to give someone a chance to bring business to Downey. Jane Denial, South Gate

Dear Editor: I'm writing to say I'm in complete agreement with Sam Ferreira and Claudie Frometa, who wrote in The Downey Patriot regarding the unacceptable name of the sports bar "Bastards." The City Council should not allow this business to re-name with this title. What's next? We have two hookah parlors and now this. The military service of co-owner Nick Velez in Iraq is most admirable and he is to be thanked and appreciated for this. He should be proud. But so as not to offend many in the city, he should choose an appropriate name for his restaurant. The name is very demeaning to our city. To change the name would bring healing and be appreciated by the community; the friction would cease. Betty Logan, Downey

Dear Editor: It was asked why there is no outrage over the name of a business place. Maybe we are just used to the City Council and City Hall doing whatever they want. As for this business placed named Bastards - they can count on one less customer. I won't be entering a place with a name like that. As for it being part of a name for some Marines - I don't think much of a bunch of guys that like being called bastards. I thought the Marines were a proud bunch. I got out my dictionary and looked up what bastard meant. It said "illegitimate, spurious, not genuine, false, adulterate, impure." Then I looked up spurious. It read "not legitimate, not genuine, counterfeit." And Mr. Velez is proud to be known this way? I want to know why our city officials that grant business licenses agreed to this name. Did they think it was cute? Well, I disagree with them. I think the name should be changed. Doris Hannon, Downey

********** Published: April 26, 2012 - Volume 11 - Issue 02