The Downey Patriot

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Arizona immigration

Dear Editor:Arizona is right in trying to save America. The United States is in dire peril when 20 million people of any color, nationality or creed trespass into our country illegally - this is an invasion to take over the best country in the world. Would we allow 20 million British, Europeans, Arabs, Chinese, Russian, Islamist, African and others to come here illegally in such huge numbers? No, we would not allow that. Yet we allow Mexico to do so brazenly. The illegal invasion has corrupted our country so much that it is a national crime against the USA. They have corrupted our education, medical, legal, housing, employment, language, law enforcement, Social Security, prison, documentations system and legal immigration, and have given us more killings, graffiti, crime, kidnappings, theft, gangs, higher food prices, drug trafficking and have contributed to this recession in some way. Citizenship should not be given to illegal invaders just because they want to work. All this is not fair to all of those who come in the legal way. I am not now, nor ever will be, ready for the United State of Mexico. Boycott Mexico, not our states. - Joe Cvetko, Bellflower

Dear Editor: Illegal actions can not be justified under any circumstances. That includes illegal immigration. The action taken in Arizona about arresting illegal immigrants, is however, difficult to implement because it depends on subjective judgments. How does one figure out who is an illegal immigrant? This situation reminds me of another black action against civil rights caused by hysteria about a problem in the country. The Japanese internment during the Second World War is one of the most egregious attacks on civil rights ever done by our government. Imagine your predicament if you were Korean or Chinese or of some other Asian race who "looked" Japanese at that time. Probably you suffered the same fate; i.e. insults and discrimination, as other Americans of Japanese descent simply because the way they looked. I have never been able to tell if an oriental looking person is Chinese, Korean, Japanese or anything else and I doubt that any other non Asian person can do any better. As a Latin American immigrant I am concerned that if I was in Arizona I may be stopped by an overzealous police officer who may suspect me of being illegally in the country. Will this same officer stop a blond, blue eyed Argentinian for the same reason? I doubt it. Will this same officer stop a black Panamanian for the same reason? Probably not. Do you begin to get the picture? This same officer will not hesitate to stop me because I look Mexican even though I was born in Ecuador, came to this country to study Electrical Engineering, paid non resident tuition at Cal Poly University and decided to stay after getting my B.S. degree. I changed my visa from student to resident at a time when there was a shortage of engineers in the country and I was welcomed with open arms by American industry. I served in the US Army for two years and earned my U.S. citizenship. I am an involved parent and have volunteered many hours to my children schools, Boy Scouts and Rotary Club. I paid my taxes on time, I have not foreclosed my home and I vote in every election. How can a police officer, with hardly any psychological training, decide if I am an illegal immigrant? He has only one criterion to judge me, and that is the way I look. As I indicated earlier, Latin Americans can be blond and blue eyed as Argentinians, black like Panamanians or Mestizos like myself who look "Mexican" because of our racial background. I sustain that the laws in Arizona against illegal immigrants are not designed to stop illegal immigration but only "Mexican illegal immigration". That is racial profiling and discrimination and has no place in American law. - Jorge Montero, Downey

********** Published: May 14, 2010 - Volume 9 - Issue 4