The Downey Patriot

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Arc celebrates Disability Employment Awareness Month

DOWNEY - The Arc - Los Angeles & Orange Counties, a private non-profit organization serving hundreds of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, is proud to promote October as Disability Employment Awareness Month.In a special ceremony on Oct. 2, Los Angeles County Supervisor Don Knabe welcomed Arc participants to his office for a special reception and then on to the Supervisor's Board Hearing Room for a special proclamation in support of employing people with developmental disabilities. The proclamation read in part, "The County of Los Angeles wants to advance the message that 'A strong workforce is an inclusive workforce,' and promotes workplaces to welcome the talents of all people, including people with disabilities, as a critical part of our efforts to build an inclusive community and strong economy." The Arc is proud to take a leadership role in expanding opportunities for people with developmental disabilities. Faced with an unemployment rate of 85%, the Arc provides support and services to bring this number down. In the past year, Arc's Employment Center has advanced the cause of many individuals who have obtained their first job. The Arc has been successful with over 30 employers throughout the county; this is a testament that hiring people with developmental disabilities makes good business sense. Bunnin Chevrolet in Culver City just hired four individuals. The local law firm - Tredway, Lumsdaine & Doyle has employed Jose for over 10 years. The Arc just opened up their own dollar store called Just-A-Buck in Long Beach, which employs five people with disabilities. As Arc president Ray Brown says, "Come and celebrate this important month as we move forward in our journey to help people with developmental disabilities realize their dream of employment." For more information about Arc and hiring people with disabilities, call (562) 803-4606 ext. 223 or check out our website at

********** Published: October 18, 2012 - Volume 11 - Issue 27