The Downey Patriot

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Appreciation from Toastmasters

Dear Editor:As the outgoing president of Downey's Toastmasters Club 587, and on behalf of our club, thank you for publishing our press releases throughout the year and bringing awareness to the benefits of Toastmasters. Publishing our announcements has given us the opportunity to reach out to those interested in improving their communication and speaking skills, as well as their leadership capabilities. Many of our new members and attendees say they found out about our club through your publication; so I would like to remind your readers that we meet at First Baptist Church of Downey, room 116, at 6 p.m. every Tuesday evening and more information can be found about our club at The Downey Patriot is a great resource for community news and information about service clubs and organizations. Again, thank you and keep up the good work you do for this community. - P.J. Mellana, Bellflower

********** Published: December 11, 2009 - Volume 8 - Issue 33