The Downey Patriot

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Answer to glass recycling

Dear Editor:In response to Ms. Jimmie Renner's letter in the Oct. 2 edition ("Glass Recycling," 10/2/09), I would like to confirm that Downey's recycled glass is not ending up in landfills, as may be happening in other parts of the U.S. Glass deposited in the city's residential blue barrels (commingled with other recyclables) is delivered by CalMet Services to the Downey Area Recycling & Transfer Facility (DART), where it is sorted by color - clear, amber (brown) and green (or blue). The sorted glass is then consolidated and sent to a glass processor. The glass is currently delivered to either Container Recycling Alliance in Vernon or Strategic Materials in Commerce, where it is crushed, cleaned and reused for making recycled glass products. - Kathy Simmons, Integrated Waste Coordinator City of Downey Public Works

********** Published: October 23, 2009 - Volume 8 - Issue 27