The Downey Patriot

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American sniper

Dear Editor: Thank you for continuing to present all sides of controversial issues. This is how freedom of the press is maintained in a democracy. And thank you for publishing the thought-provoking editorial “American Sniper Was No Hero,” by Sheldon Richman (1/29/15).

I am sure that you will be criticized for publishing this piece, for we are in a time when, in spite of the current “Je Suis Charlie” craze, here in America it is still extremely uncomfortable to express the view that the Iraq war was wrong. In spite of the fact that history has proved this, it is extremely uncomfortable to express the view that those who participated were, unfortunately, implementing a fool-hardy foreign policy adventure that has backfired miserably.

We should respect, understand and support our military personnel. We should honor those who perform selfless acts of heroism. We should mourn those who suffer and die, and especially those whose efforts are in vain. But we are reluctant to discuss here in America whether simply going to war, simply being an efficient killer makes one a hero.

As Richman’s essay points out, there are plenty of fighters on both “our” side and the “enemy” side of any battlefield. We should learn from our own history that sometimes the heroes are those who have the courage to stand up and say “no.”

Frank Kearns




Published: Feb. 5, 2015 - Volume 13 - Issue 43