The Downey Patriot

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American flag

Dear Editor:As you know, this coming Sunday is the 10th anniversary of the devastating occurrence of 9/11. I was born and raised in New York and still consider it my home state even though Downey is my home now. I've lived in Downey for almost seven years now with my husband and two young daughters; we also have a business here in the city. On Sept. 11, 2001, I lived above Baseline Road in La Verne and remember that morning very well; my husband was in Puerto Rico on business with a corporate security client and I thought as many did that it was a high-rise fire, an accident and a horrible situation for all those people trapped inside. But as I continued to watch the live broadcast, I too as many others, witnessed the second plane hit the World Trade Towers and instantly knew the United States was under attack. The rest is all history. The following day and for a year later, every house had an American flag proudly on every national holiday and without question on every Sept. 11. I have noticed, however, since I moved to Downey that is not the case. Very few homes display the flag and I wonder why. I always put out my American flag on national holidays, especially the Fourth of July, Memorial Day, Flag Day and Sept. 11, to honor those who have died for our country, and let's not forget those who continue to fight for our freedom today. This coming Sunday I plan without hesitation to proudly hang my American flag again, to never forget what happened 10 years ago and for all those who have given their lives for the cost of our country's freedom. I really hope more families here in our city do the same. Our children need to understand what patriotism stands for and as a citizen celebrate and honor our country and its flag. It doesn't take much time or effort to hang the flag outside one's home, just don't forget to take it down when it becomes dark out, unless you leave a light on. -- Patricia Kotze-Ramos, Downey

********** Published: September 08, 2011 - Volume 10 - Issue 21