The Downey Patriot

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Amazing woman

Dear Editor: I have just discovered a woman who is the Wife of the Year in my estimation: Mrs. Dolores Grass. She and her husband Donald just lost their daughter, Deborah, a few weeks ago to a heart attack. They are both in their 80's but never once did this beautiful woman ever think of herself and what horror she was going through. At first Don was staying home to be with her so they could be there for each other in this crisis. Then she realized that it would be easier for him if he went back to work and was with the men he worked with. That might help his horrible pain. She has been all alone at home, day after day, with her pain but never thinking once of herself, only of how it was helping him to be back to work and that she always had to be strong for him. She and I have written back and forth to each other for over 15 years from Downey to Chula Vista. Never before have I known a woman that I am as impressed by the love and understanding that she has given her husband in his grief at this time. I would like others to know just what a loving woman she is. Don is very lucky to have her as his wife too. She is a remarkable woman --Shirley Mackley, Chula Vista

********** Published: February 24, 2011 - Volume 9 - Issue 45