The Downey Patriot

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Aloof representative

Dear Editor:Apparently, Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard is not really interested in her constituency's problems. This morning (Aug. 6) I spoke to an aide and told her about a very serious elder abuse problem affecting a long-term citizen who has lived in the same Downey house since 1958. He is 86 and unable to comprehend what happened to him. She told me that "Congresswoman Allard is only interested in federal matters." I replied that this elder abuse was concerning a citizen who lives in her district. She repeated her assertion and said, "Hire a lawyer." What planet did I come from? I thought that a member of the House is supposed to be concerned with potentially major problems that, believe it or not, other members of the House seem to take an interest in - elder abuse. Roybal-Allard, like many House members, is apparently only interested in being re-elected over and over again. This is the tip of an iceberg that sends chills down my spine, but I will sure tell my friends in Downey how aloof and uncaring the office of Congresswoman Roybal-Allard really is. - Mike Parkhurst, Downey

********** Published: August 14, 2009 - Volume 8 - Issue 17